Be Cool with BK

An illustrated Ford F-150 with a title of "Be Cool with BK" and a call to action to donate a fan for seniors with no AC

Meals on Wheels Waco is so excited to be partnering with BK Ford for a Be Cool with BK fan drive to keep seniors cool this summer!

Here at Meals on Wheels Waco, we collect box fans every year in preparation for the hot Texas summer. In distributing fans, we hope to keep seniors comfortable in their homes.

This year, our friends at BK Ford are serving as a donation hub and collecting fans for seniors in our community from May 16th to June 16th. To kick off the Fan Drive, BK has donated 30 fans. In addition, BK Ford will be donating $20 to Meals on Wheels Waco for every fan that gets collected.

Be sure to swing by BK Ford in order to donate your box fan to keep our seniors cool this summer! We’re so thankful to have partners in this community that work with us to give back to seniors in our community.

March for Meals: Mayor Meek Delivers

The national March for Meals campaign is an annual month-long event designed to generate public awareness about senior hunger and isolation and to celebrate the invaluable services provided by senior nutrition programs. This year, March for Meals commemorates the historic day in March of 1972 when President Nixon signed into law a measure that amended … Read more

Say hello to the faces of Meals on Wheels Waco!

March 4, 2022 was Employee Appreciation Day, so we wanted to take some time to spotlight all the hardworking people who make the day to day operations at Meals on Wheels Waco possible. The work we do would not be possible without their dedication and hard work. Whether it’s preparing the meals, coordinating volunteers and … Read more

COVID-19 Guidelines for Volunteers

Meals on Wheels Waco is an essential business as recognized by the City of Waco, and as such, must remain open because hundreds of older adults in our community rely on us for meals. ?? ??? ???????? ??? ????? ?? ?????? ?????????? ??? ???????? ?? ????? ???? ?? ?????? ???? ??????.

Current volunteers will be provided a letter certifying you are a MOW volunteer. With the shelter-in-place order in McLennan County, please be sure to have this letter with you when you are doing your volunteer work (e.g., coordinating your site, delivering meals, etc.). You will get this letter with your next meal route.

We are closely monitoring the latest COVID-19 developments and we are doing our best to ensure emergency operation protocols are in place and that delivery of meals to the seniors who rely on our services is uninterrupted.

Cribs for Canines Organizes Pet Food Drive for Meals on Wheels Waco

We will be entering the new year with cat and dog food in our bins and shelves! Thank you, Michelle Ann and Gail Forest with Cribs for Canines for organizing a pet food drive for Meals on Wheels Waco last Saturday! And thanks to everyone who volunteered and donated to this event. Thanks also to those … Read more

Subaru: Share the Love

When you purchase or lease a new Subaru by January 2, 2020, you can select Meals on Wheels to receive a $250 donation. Since 2008, the Subaru Share the Love Event has helped deliver more than 2.2 million meals and friendly visits to vulnerable seniors nationwide. This year, in Waco, we are fortunate to have … Read more