Be Cool with BK

Meals on Wheels Waco is so excited to be partnering with BK Ford for a Be Cool with BK fan drive to keep seniors cool this summer!

Here at Meals on Wheels Waco, we collect box fans every year in preparation for the hot Texas summer. In distributing fans, we hope to keep seniors comfortable in their homes.

This year, our friends at BK Ford are serving as a donation hub and collecting fans for seniors in our community from May 16th to June 16th. To kick off the Fan Drive, BK has donated 30 fans. In addition, BK Ford will be donating $20 to Meals on Wheels Waco for every fan that gets collected.

Be sure to swing by BK Ford in order to donate your box fan to keep our seniors cool this summer! We’re so thankful to have partners in this community that work with us to give back to seniors in our community.