COVID-19 Guideline: Volunteer Meal Pick Up at the MOW office on Waco Drive
In an effort to limit the number of people entering our building, Friendship (MOW Office) volunteers need to note our new protocol for meal pick up.
- Two Meals on Wheels Staff will be stationed at the front door starting at 10:15am.
- When volunteers walk up to the front door, one of the staff members will ask what route they are picking up, what make/model their car is, and where they are parked.
- The staff will write this down and tell the volunteer to wait in the car and the meals will be brought out to their car.
- Staff will bring meals and route sheet and carry these items to the volunteer’s car.
- After meal delivery, volunteers must drop their bags and route sheets off at the designated boxes situated at the MOW garage.
- If someone is not home or volunteers need to discuss any client concerns, please call our office at 254-752-0316.