We appreciate you selecting Meals on Wheels Waco as a memorial for your loved one. Your generosity will carry their legacy forward by enabling Meals on Wheels Waco to serve homebound seniors hot nutritious lunches, which helps them remain independent and in their own homes.
We would like to send you acknowledgments of all the donations we receive in memory of your loved one.
To do so, we will need the following information from you:
Code of Conduct
Code of Conduct
As a Meals on Wheels volunteer, I will:
Maintain a positive and cheerful attitude. I will take the time to introduce myself, address each client by name and greet every client with a smile.
Treat each client with dignity and kindness and respect their rights and individuality.
Respect clients’ personal space – e.g., I will not initiate hugs nor enter a client’s home without being invited in.
Respect the cultural, religious and political views of clients and refrain from imposing my cultural, religious and political views on clients.
Decline gifts, tips or monetary acknowledgments from any participant for delivery of meals except for donations to MOW.
Report my observations including but not limited to changes in appearance, behavior, environment, living conditions and/or nutritional habits to MOW either in person or through a phone call after my delivery.
Maintain the confidentiality of all client data including but not limited to a recipient’s name, home address, telephone number, age, financial and health situation.
Not take photos of/with clients and post the same on social media.
Refrain from offering medical, legal, or financial advice to clients.
Refrain from transporting clients in personal vehicles.
Follow guidance from staff regarding food safety and proper handling of client meals.
Refrain from use of inappropriate language (i.e. profanity).
Dress appropriately. I will not wear anything that may be seen as revealing, inappropriate or disrespectful by my senior clients.
Be reliable and helpful. As much as possible, I will give sufficient notice when I am unable to volunteer on my assigned day.
Give sufficient notice before I quit my volunteer work with Meals on Wheels.