Pet Programs

Pet Food Delivery

Meals on Wheels Waco delivers pet food to over 400 cats and dogs each month using donations from the community. We accept cat food, small dog food, and regular-size dog food. Dry pet food is preferred, but canned food and treats are welcome. Cat litter and 1-gallon-size gallon-sized slider bags are also needed. Volunteers deliver pet food routes.

Project Treasured Tails

Meals on Wheels Waco partners with the Animal Birth Control (ABC) Clinic to provide our clients access to preventive pet healthcare. This keeps their cat or dog healthy, happy, and safe with them in their home. Through Project Treasured Tails, ABC Clinic volunteers go to the homes of Meals on Wheels Waco clients to transport their cat or dog to the clinic for services such as vaccinations, flea treatments, heartworm medication, and spay/neutering.

Pet Tributes Program

Honor the memory of a lost pet or celebrate the life of your beloved companion – create a legacy in their name through our Pet Tributes program.

Your donation will directly benefit our Pet Program, allowing us to provide food and preventive veterinary care services to help seniors care for their pets.


We don’t want to see any seniors go hungry. That’s why we work hard to get people off our waitlist. Can you help us make sure everyone gets food?